You are setting up Business Central which probably means that your system will be used by several persons within your organization. ‘Fetching’ users is the easiest method for completing the initial seertup of users in the database. Description for this assisted setup states “Get the latest information about users and licenses from Microsoft 365.” There is no ‘Learn More’ option on this setup.

It’s purpose is stated in the first Wizard Window. Microsoft 365 is accessed and users are created Business Central for all licensed users found. This means is that you must assign Business Central licenses in Microsoft 365 first. Then you can run this setup to create the users in BC.

Notice the highlighted option ‘Configure permissions per license’ in the above screenshot. Though not required, here is where you can setup permissions for each type of license that is assigned to the users that will be imported. There are default permissions for each type of license defined here. You will want to get more specific with your permissions as you moved forward with your implementation.

The default user groups and permissions for Business Central Essential license is as follows:

Though the first screen in the Wizard status that this could take 72 hours for changes to become available, personally I’ve not seen more than a few minutes delay.

After you import users for the first time, you can still execute this Assisted Setup to add additional users anytime. This same feature also exists in your Users List.